Sunday, November 1, 2009
A.) The article is about a woman who talks about her journey from college up to now as a minority in a man's world of journalism. She explains that women aren't really progressing in equality as much as they should be.
B.) It really hits home when I read this because when I made this blog, I decided to have it called Dupre just because it could have gone either way for belonging to a man or a woman, I didn't want people to judge me or my writing because I was a girl. When I read this article and when she was talking about college it was almost as a mirror to society in New Richmond High School. When writer Joanne Lipmann stated, "That was something that strident, humorless, shrill women had done before us" about the woman's liberation in the 60's, I instantly thought of my College Prep class before reading "The Yellow Wallpaper". I distinctively remember all the groans when my teacher brought up the fact that it was one of the first pieces of feminist literature. After reading the short story and discussing it, comments got even uglier some even along the lines that the writer was selfish and didn't have a legitimate problem (post-partum psychosis) Not surprisingly, all of the comments came from boys in our class, and sadly none of the 6 girls in the class (including myself) said anything. Woman's rights is very taboo, it was better just to not say anything than sound like a radical fem-bot further being labeled as the cliche man-hater. The article went on to tell about when she was at a job interview before being interviewed closing the slit in her skirt to cover her knees only to have interviewer demand, "If you want the job, you’ll leave that open." I honestly had to read it over again, if I were in the same predicament I would be a wreck for the whole interview. I mean how uncomfortable would it be to hear that and just still go on with an interview like nothing insanely creepy and inappropriate just happened. And how degrading that she further had to promote herself to this man to get a job. It bummed me out to hear that at the Wall Street Journal, a largely conservative newspaper, had dubbed the authors section with females "The Valley of the Dolls." Or learning that a conservative female blogger was regarded as a " big mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick on it" Being Republican myself, I often feel outnumbered by stuffy, religious, old men. This article, and other issues have made me consider the Independent Party, who maybe don't juvenilely make comments about cankles or (as I have noticed) which color pantsuit Hilary Clinton had on. It is ironic, though, that without female author Toni Morrison, Mr. Keith Olbermann would have to use a different, over-used, dried up term than piece of meat.
I think journalism class should continue to produce legitimate news-stories and not fall back on maybe petty-articles that we see in popular woman's mags. I'm pretty proud of the Politics piece I did, just because I don't think it is very common to see in a school newspaper, it was something different and not common for a girl to write. "If we can change the conversation about women, the numbers will finally add up. And that’s what real progress looks like." Why not start the change with Journalism, to have women viewed in a more positive light?
C.) Some questions I have for the author is how she feels about the way woman dress it helping the cause or not. It's really hard to be feminine, because I think we're all scared a bit as to how other people will perceive us and if it will hold us back especially in more "male" jobs. And also, does she see sexism in the media as I do. IE: the Twix commercial where the man offers to bring a girl back to his place. As she guffaws and sulks he quickly adds "to blog about our ideals." Her face instantly lights up, as she gullibly adds as they leave together, "What?! I love blogging." Come on now, do we have to be portrayed as total, ignorant air-heads...
posted by Come_Sit_By_My_Fire at 10:47 AM |


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At November 1, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Blogger Unknown said........
Wow. Like seriously, this is amazingly written. So thorough and way thoughtful. I love how you related the subject and made it so personal. I love your examples (especially the twix commercial haha). Very impressed, honestly. Loved reading this..

At November 1, 2009 at 10:17 PM, Blogger Mr. Ayer said........
Thought-provoking entry, just like I would expect. Just checking in for now... - Mr. A

At November 2, 2009 at 11:33 AM, Blogger s.schwan said........
I like how you put your name as Dupre, so it could be for either a girl or boy.
It seems like you appreciate what has been done for us ladies!

At November 2, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Blogger Cheese Curd said........
I agree with you 100% about the Twix commercial. I mean, why do women always have to be seen as the dumb ones. We are alowed to go to the same schools with men, shop at the same stores, eat at the same places, and even work at the same jobs. So why are we bot equal?

At November 2, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Blogger Unknown said........
Maggie!! Excellent points!!! That really does raise some questions! Like why does the equality stop?

At November 2, 2009 at 4:14 PM, Blogger Mushkikizou said........
I agree. That was a bad commercial, and yet when people started laughing at it, I didn't stop them. Which is real ironic sense you put that kind of thing up in your entry. Even the kind of guys who treat women sweetly often have ulterior motives or don't know how to treat girls right. Like my dad will often call me his 'sweaty pie' and again, it irritates me, but I can't stop him because I'm afraid I'll hurt his feelings.

At November 2, 2009 at 4:39 PM, Blogger Jenny said........
Ah! I can't stand that Twix commercial. Great ideas, and I think it's interesting that you put your name as Dupre to hide your gender. I guess I wouldn't even think that someone would read my writing differently because I'm a girl. That's probably how naive I am.

At November 2, 2009 at 4:41 PM, Blogger Come_Sit_By_My_Fire said........
Gabby-thank you, I appreciate what you said about it, especially coming from an amazing writer such as yourself. I kind of got into this one hardcore.
Steph-I definitely do appreciate what has been done, and after reading this I believe we could do a lot more.
Maggie-EXACTLY! Almost every commercial on tv is a clueless house wife, it's kind of ridiculous.
Angie- it's hard to say something, I mean you mine as well shout "I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR!" to some people when you bring up that kind of stuff.

At November 2, 2009 at 4:56 PM, Blogger Come_Sit_By_My_Fire said........
Jenny- I know it's not even funny... I mean I don't know if gender would affect the way people thought of my writings, it was kind of pointless to put Dupre on there, since the link to get here has my actual name in it... so maybe it hasn't

At November 3, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Blogger Unknown said........
I don't think it was pointless, Sara- it still gets your point across and shows that you don't want to be judges based on your gender.

At November 3, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Blogger Come_Sit_By_My_Fire said........
I was thinking the other night. I feel bad for putting things like "us" and "we" other women have had it worse off than I have and to clump myself in with true innovators seems selfish...